Monday, August 1, 2016

Does "The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat" Really Exist?

Read the title of this article again. "The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat." Let me be frank now. It does not exist. In the body building and weight training world, there are hundreds of exercises that we can use to work our abdominal muscles. All can be effective exercises that can help us lose stomach fat fast if we consider some key points in our training.

Lose Belly Fat

When we ask questions like, "How to lose stomach fat fast?", "How do get a flat tummy?", and "How to get ripped abs?" we must understand that losing weight and belly fat will only come about in a holistic way. Just doing hundreds of crunches everyday and not paying attention to other aspects of abdominal training like diet and general endurance work will not lead to a flat and lean tummy. Here are some things you need to consider and include when thinking of the best exercise to lose belly fat.

1. Increasing General Fat Burning Capacity

Fat is present in every part of our body, but we tend to only associate body fat to abdomen fat. Studies have shown that in order for fat to be burned in our body, aerobic exercises must be done beyond twenty minutes. Before that, the body depends more on carbohydrates as fuel to supply the aerobic activities. Beyond twenty minutes, fat metabolism kicks in big time because it is by far the most efficient energy mechanism to support long term aerobic exercise. It does not matter what kind of aerobic activities you perform.

The best exercise to lose belly fat is actually any form of aerobic activity in excess of twenty minutes. The activity itself need not be too intensive. Low intensity activities like brisk walking or tour cycling for extended period of time are very effective forms of fat metabolism activities. So the next time hear someone ask, "How to get a flat tummy? get them on some form of prolonged low intensity aerobic activities first.

2. Diet Watch

No matter how good and comprehensive your exercise program is to lose fat, it will never be effective if you do not watch your diet. How do you expect to lose weight if you indulge in high calorie sinful meals immediately after your perfect workout? It is just not possible. Losing stomach fat and fat is a very simple thing for the body. As long as calorie intake is lower than calorie output, the body will eventually tap on the fat reserve in the body to make up the difference.

The end result is a leaner body. The best exercises to lose belly fat must be complemented with a diet that will lead to a calorie deficit. This will result in fat lost, and you can bet that a lot of your belly fat will be used to fuel your energy needs.

3. Abdominal Training Focus

All abdominal exercises are best exercises to lose belly fat. The reason is that these exercises build up the abdominal muscle groups. These have an indirect effect on "how to lose belly fat fast?" and "How t get ripped abs?" When muscle mass of the abdominal muscles increase, this will result in a higher metabolism rate. Chances are, the muscles will tap on close by body fat to fuel this increase rate. Where is the nearest fat source for the abdominals? That's right! Your belly fat.

So one of the key to "how to lose belly fat fast?" is to develop all abdominal muscle groups as best as possible. However, most weight watchers often concentrate only on the rectus abdominals, forgetting the larger obliques. Do pay attention to the obliques as well. If you can shape your obliques up, this will provide a greater mass of muscle for increase metabolic rate and also shape the V-shape trunk that many people desire.

There is no best exercise to lose belly fat. All abdominal exercises are important and beneficial to losing belly fat fast. These must be combined in a holistic way with a proper diet, inclusion of prolonged aerobic activities as well as a general development of all abdominal muscle groups to induce the greatest weight loss of belly fat.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Worst 5 Foods to Avoid to Lose Weight and Elude Disease

The biggest problem that this author sees, in the US today, when it comes to what foods are optimal for weight loss and health, is the confusion over the subject. One expert says one thing, while another expert completely contradicts the first one and says something totally different.


I feel that a little bit of thinking and common sense goes a long way towards solving the dilemma of what foods are beneficial for weight loss and our declining health statistics.

If we lose the weight, but in the process, ruin our health, it is all for nothing as we will soon gain it all back plus some and our health will be closer to the brink of serious, possibly debilitating disease. This is the situation I was faced with about 2 years ago, and it caused me to get really serious about my health. I did a lot of research on the subject.

What I found when I started looking at the data and the conclusions I reached were really common sense, and I think if you will do the same, you will most likely come to the same commonsensical conclusion.

When you look at the graphs of escalating levels of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, celiac disease, cancer, autism, ADD, IBS and many other "modern" diseases that are far too numerous to mention here with the increasing consumption of refined foods, High Fructose Corn Syrup, sugar, genetically modified crops, feedlot animal products, dairy where the cattle are injected with growth hormones for increased production, meat that is treated with antibiotics to offset the diseases caused by unnatural grain diets and vegetables that are treated with pesticides the graphs are almost identical in their rise from 100 years ago to today.

What is going on here?

Medical Science has progressed by millennia with the advent of super computers that can do in minutes now, what used to take years. So why, with all of this "progress" are we regressing when it comes to our health as a whole?

Why is obesity and diabetes increasing, why is heart disease progressing, why are cancers more commonplace? Why are ADD, Celiac Disease, autism and countless other maladies going through the roof, when only 50 years ago many were almost unheard of or at least extremely rare?

What is different? When you do a little research, it is overwhelmingly obvious. Our food is different. What we eat on a regular basis as normal American food has undergone monumental changes for the worse in the past 50 years.

We are a society that values and embraces progress. I propose to you that we are regressing, not progressing as far as weight gain and health matters are concerned.

So, what do you do about it and how does this concern weight loss?

The answer is, you rewind the clock about two hundred years when it comes to making food choices. It really is as simple as that. The wheat we eat today is far different from the wheat our grandparents ate and that applies to soy products, corn products and many others. It also applies to mass production feedlot animal and their products, refined oils that are touted as "good for you" because they are easy and cheap to produce, and vegetables that have pesticides sprayed on them to increase production.

Many, extensively researched books could be written concerning this subject, but that is beyond the scope of this article and my only goal here is to bring to your attention, what I have found to be the worst offenders of abnormal weight gain and worse, diseases caused by diet in the western world.

When I changed my diet to line up with this, the weight fell off and all of my biomarkers of health improved drastically. It is up to you to further research what I am proposing as a fit and healthy lifestyle. A lifestyle change that has done wonders for me, my family and many friends.

The Worst Offenders

1) Wheat, Corn and Soy Products. (Read "Wheat Belly" by Dr. William Davis M.D.)
2) Sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup and the many products where these are hidden.
3) Refined Foods (Read "Samurai Diet" by Nate Miyaki)
4) Processed Foods (Read "The Fat Burning Kitchen" by Mike Geary and Catherine Ebeling)
5) Feedlot Produced Animals and their Products. (Chose instead grass fed, free range, cage free and wild caught)

I encourage you to research what I propose as a fit and healthy lifestyle. If you do, I'm sure it will all start to make sense to you too, and hopefully spare you the agony of unnecessary diseases brought on by our diet in today's world.

Article Source:

Monday, July 25, 2016

Weight Training Diet and Workout Tips to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle

Is a weight training diet plan an oxymoron? After all when we think of weight training we think of big burly men, whose only diet would be the see-food diet. I'm joking of course. When it comes to the look and shape of your body, exercise and nutrition go hand in hand, with what you eat arguably the more significant. Exercise dictates performance; diet dictates what you see staring back at you in the mirror.

Weight Training Diet

So if you are putting in the effort with the weights to improve the look and shape of your body, it figures that you would also put some thought into what you eat.

Now conventional wisdom tells us that the exercise program isn't enough to change the look and shape of our body, just open any muscle or health and fitness magazine, they are full of adverts for super foods and supplements as well as articles explaining why you must eat this and mustn't eat that... We need a weight training diet.

The misconception is that because you are weight training you need to eat in a specific way; usually "more", however in reality this is not the case!

You don't require extra calories to get a better looking body
Sure if you are trying to gain weight it is a given you will need to consume more energy than you use over a sustained period of time. But who wants to gain weight? Besides, excess energy gets stored as fat which is the last thing you want.

Aim to lose fat and gain muscle
Most people would rather have the lean and toned look of a celebrity or fitness model and use weight training as part of the plan to get there. If this is you then you certainly don't need to be adding food or following the typical body "building" approach. After all, when it comes to the look of your body, bigger isn't better.

You don't need "special" foods or supplements, great looking bodies were built before any of them were around
In the fitness media, it seems that for every new weight training program is a new wonder supplement that is required to get the best out of it. Of course this is just hype. Never be fooled, the real focus of your training should be, you guessed it, your training. Don't let a supplement steal the glory you earned, and don't let these details steal your life.

Plenty of people waste a long time wrapped up in health and fitness culture. The irony being that this kind of obsessive compulsive behavior isn't healthy at all. Follow an approach to lose fat and gain muscle and do it the right way. You'll be glad you did.

Article Source:

Friday, June 17, 2016

Lose Weight and Build Muscles -Supplements For Burning Fat & Gaining Lean Muscle

There is a belief that if you build lean muscle, you burn fat faster. This is true. Proper diet and workout go hand-in-hand if you want to lose weight and build leaner and toner muscles. To facilitate faster burning of fat and building of muscles, supplements can also help you achieve these goals. Warning: These supplements are not meant to be taken together. It is logical that before you try gaining lean muscle, you have to burn the flab first.

Lose Weight and Build Muscles

Here are some common supplements for burning fat:

1. Green Tea Extract is a known fat burner which contain EGCG and antioxidants. It is said that it is best used during intense workout because it speeds up metabolism and burn unwanted flab during these activities.

2. Fat Blockers are also very common and popular. They do exactly as the name implies, that is, to prevent fat from being absorbed by the body. They can also bring down the cholesterol level.

3. Carbohydrate blockers are very useful especially for people who eat a lot of carbs. They prevent these carbs from being converted into sugar in our body.

4. To build lean muscles, the most popular are whey protein and protein shakes. In order to build a lean and toned body frame, a low carbohydrate-high protein diet is recommended. Moreover, for body builders, protein shakes are popular because they are very convenient and easy to digest. There are also a number of different brands in the market to suit different tastes and needs.

5. Creatine is another supplement that is very popular in the market for serious bodybuilders. The good news is that it does both jobs: burn flab and create added bulk. There is a downside to this though; it increases testosterone level so women might as well not take it.

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